Why Gardening Is Good for Your Health and LifeGardening is a fantastic activity in many ways. It’s a great form of exercise, stress reliever, creative outlet, and just plain old good fun. Studies have shown that regular exposure to nature and fresh air is good for us. Not only will you feel energized and refreshed after a gardening session, but you’ll also feel a great sense of achievement.

Here are a few other reasons why gardening is a great all-around exercise:

Stress Relief

Many of us lead very stressful lives. Gardening is a good way of relieving that stress. It’s a quiet, gentle activity that also helps you connect with nature and clear your mind. There’s something very nurturing about getting close the earth and having a part in helping something grow.

Great for Joints and Flexibility

As we get older, so do our joints and mobility. Gardening is a great option for keeping your joints supple and flexible without too much pressure. Simple exercises like bending, lifting and light digging will help your flexibility and muscle tone. All of this will lead to improved health and quality of life.

Keeps You Busy

If you already have a busy schedule then gardening may be something you fit in on the weekends or in short spurts. However, if you’re out of work or retired, keeping a garden is a great way of staying active, fit and healthy. You’ll also feel a wonderful sense of achievement when you see the fruit of your labor.

Great Social Activity

Gardening is becoming increasingly popular. Many people are joining community garden projects and schemes. This is a great way to bond with your community. It’s also a fantastic opportunity for swapping home-grown produce and teaching your kids and family about healthy eating. Gardening is a great link for friendships. It’s a good way to meet like-minded people doing something you enjoy.

Great for Children

Children are naturally geared to love gardening. They have an inbuilt instinct for connecting with the earth around them. Give a young child a small shovel and a vegetable patch and they may happily dig for hours. Exposure to gardening also shows kids the importance of food and healthy eating, as well as caring for their environment. Many schools now have gardening clubs and projects to help children get involved as gardeners too.

On the surface gardening seems like a great health activity, and it is, but there are also many other wonderful benefits. Along with getting plenty of fresh air and exercise you can relieve stress, make new friends, show your kids the importance of our environment and keep your joints and muscles supple. It’s a fantastic all-around activity to enjoy.

Benefits of Growing Your Own Food

Are you still on the fence about whether or not you should grow your own food? If so, this handy list of the many benefits can help change your mind.

You Have More Control Over Chemicals

To start with, growing your own food means that you are getting automatic organic fruits and vegetables without having to get it from the grocery store. If you want less chemicals in your food, the best way to do that is by growing it yourself.

Growing your own food means that you have full control over it, from choosing seeds or plants, to balancing the soil, watering, and choosing how you want to protect your plants from pests. There are lots of natural ways to deal with pests that will not harm the food itself, and won’t be a danger to animals that are roaming in your backyard.

It Helps You to Save Money

Think about all the money you will save by growing your own food! One thing that often keeps people from buying fresh fruits, veggies, and herbs is that it can add up quickly. Yes, you can spend as much on a bag of apples as a frozen meal for your family, but the produce is much better for your family. If money is an issue, then try growing your own food.

A small tomato plant that costs a few dollars will keep giving you tomatoes over and over again. The same can be said for many fruits and vegetables that have continued growth even after the first harvest.

You are Encouraged to Eat Better

It is hard not to eat better when the food is already at home. When you spend time on your fruit trees and planting vegetables in the ground, you want to use them when they start to grow. It is exciting seeing the growth, whether starting from small plants or seeds. It makes you want to eat these delicious foods that you have grown right at home, so you will be eating a lot better.

All Your Food is Fresher

Growing food at home also means that your food is as fresh as possible. Even ‘fresh’ produce in many grocery stores was shipped and might have been harvested days before. With your own vegetable garden and herb garden, you can pick them and use them that day. It is truly a ‘farm to table’ lifestyle.