Protect Your Vegetable Plants with Effective Natural PesticidesExperienced gardeners have different methods to fend off pests. You might have heard of the “garlic-in-between-plants” method, which most old timers swear by. Planting garlic is actually a form of a natural pesticide. It is one of a thousand techniques and tricks you can pull off to repel harmful insects in your garden.

You can categorize all methods into three – planting, putting and mixture. You plant a natural pesticide, put a natural pesticide, or you spray a mixture. There is no need for harmful chemical solutions and mixtures. Knowing these simple, but effective techniques will surely minimize the hassles of keeping a 24/7 eye on your garden.

It has been proven by science that certain varieties of flowers can drive away harmful pests from your garden. These flowers contain properties that either invite beneficial insects or repel harmful insects. A number of good insects feed on harmful insects, so if you can attract these predators, not only are you protecting your garden, but you are also recruiting additional security all at once.

Moreover, going natural means that a lesser amount of pesticides is needed. Minimizing the use of chemical pesticides will culture more good bugs.

To provide more detail, here are some flowers that have natural pesticides:

Planting Flowers

Borage – this plant helps to deter hornworms and cabbage worms. Others also suggest that this plant helps almost any plant boost its resistance against diseases and pests.

Sunflower – it is believed that aphids are allergic to sunflowers. However, no scientific study has been conducted to validate such a claim. Sunflower acts as a towering beacon as if saying, “come on over”, which is definitely beneficial to pollinators.

Lavender – this plant is excellent in keeping your garden safe from harmful pests, like flies and moths. In addition, lavender can also repel nearby plants from whiteflies.

Dahilias – if you are worried about your flower garden, dahilias is a popular choice of the experts. They come in a variety of shapes and colors. They are believed to repel nematodes.

Covering Them

Floating Row Cover – this simple trick to protect your vegetable garden from sudden pest migration is tested and proven around the world. It is easy to use, economical, and a very effective insect repellent. The use of floating row covers is not just limited only to repelling harmful insects but is also used to lessen sunlight exposure for sensitive plants.

Natural Mixtures

Most of these natural mixtures are essentially homemade and they are easy to prepare and use. An example would be Carbaryl, or most widely known as Sevin. It can kill an array of insects and is safe to use up to the day of harvest. Another one is Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The Bacillus is a bacterium capable of killing insect larvae in an instant. Note that these products are commonly used by organic gardeners and are available in ready-to-use spray formulations.

Just remember that too much is always bad. Keep everything in moderation. Remember that some natural pesticides prohibit an entry of your potential beneficial insects in your garden. You only want to eliminate the bad insects.